Lion's Eye Diamond is a particularly amusing example as it was an attempt to make a Junk Rare version of Black Lotus.
In general, Wizards of the Coast has more or less given up balancing Black Lotus (or, indeed, ALL cards that provide a one-time free mana boost) because the effect it has on the game is just that broken. The only well-balanced Lotus is Gilded Lotus from Mirrodin, later reprinted in Magic 2013 and Dominaria, and it's only balanced because its 5 mana casting cost keeps it from showing up in the first few turns even then, if some deck figures out how to sneak it into play early - like using the notorious Tinker to allow the Gilded Lotus to instantly replace the earliest-played artifact - it could break the game like its predecessors. It's so powerful that Lotus Bloom, a version that requires you to wait three turns before you use it, was a major component in a World Championship deck. It's so powerful that Lion's-Eye Diamond, a version that requires you to discard your entire hand to use it, is not allowed in Modern play. It's so powerful that Lotus Petal, a version that only gave one mana as opposed to three, is not allowed in Modern play. note After 20 years, an exception has finally been found - Manaless Dredge, which is listed near the bottom of this page. There are millions of individual Magic decks on the planet right now, built to execute thousands of strategies it has often been said that every single one of them would benefit from using Black Lotus. That's bad enough on Turn 6 it basically wins you the game on Turn 1. One of the cardinal rules of Magic is that the amount of Mana you can access every turn only goes up by 1 the Black Lotus lets you power out something three turns early. On top of being rare, it's on this page for a reason: it enables massive Sequence Breaking. There are, at last estimates, less than 23,000 of these cards in the world, leading (genuine) articles to sell for tens of thousands of dollars at a minimum: a 2019 selling went for $166,100 USD a 2020 selling, which was autographed by the (now-deceased) artist, for $511,100. It's considered the Holy Grail of Magic cards by the playerbase. Black Lotus is the Game-Breaker of Magic.