
Android sdk manager mac
Android sdk manager mac

After clicking the “Android” Icon you should see this when scrolling down on the dashboard. This most likely means that a new version of Xcode that is currently installed is not yet compatible with Titanium.ġ. Note: if iOS has a “?” on its icon as well, please submit a support ticket to us. Click “Android” to start the configuration. Go to the dashboard after completing updates, and click the “Getting Started” tab. If you need further assistance / admin permission to continue this part, please submit a support ticket to us.ĥ. Titanium SDK 3.0.0 GA, or any other components). Log In to your account registered with Appcelerator when promptedĤ. Set your workspace directory when promptedģ. Run Titanium Studio (Applications Folder)Ģ. If you need further assistance or administrator permission to continue with any of the steps mentioned, please submit a support ticket to us.ġ.

android sdk manager mac

In these steps, you will want to make sure that the iOS and Android SDKs are properly linked to Titanium. Titanium is already installed on your server and can be found in the Applications Folder. If there is a "?" on the Android and iOS icons Under the “Getting Started” section of the Titanium dashboard, the proper configuration will appear like this: Solution home Support Applications & Software Titanium Studio - Android SDK and iOS Configuration

Android sdk manager mac